View Full Version : White air

31st January 2014, 02:52 PM
This shit happens alot to me, but to start out with I'll say that it's not my connection or my computer, I atleast now that.

- But I do have mods installed, only cars mods...

- Does anybody know how to get rid of this problem, thanks any way

Regards Spoderman :)



Jason Rekram
31st January 2014, 03:04 PM
Have you tried /fixvw?

31st January 2014, 03:05 PM
Try finding an entrance for a house, business or a regular one, then /enter them and /exit. Works for me in that way, or ask an admin to /setint you to the normal one.

31st January 2014, 03:36 PM
That's a problem with your interior, go into some house/buisness or just something you can't /enter which changes your interior.
If that happens to you each time you log then you might have been in an interior before you left, or it just was laggy to load it completly into interior No. 0

31st January 2014, 04:16 PM
Well I'll look into that, thanks for helping out though guys :)

Joseph Kennedy
2nd February 2014, 09:50 AM
Hey, try uninstalling the car mods, they can cause lag and shit. You can also have an admin set your interior to 0. Use /interior, if it's not on "0" please /report and have it changed.

2nd February 2014, 09:52 AM
Hey, try uninstalling the car mods, they can cause lag and shit. You can also have an admin set your interior to 0. Use /interior, if it's not on "0" please /report and have it changed.

I believe installed modifications has no relevance when it comes to getting this 'white air'. His interior turned somehow into interior 1(?), the interior where mapped objects and other misc. objects are visible, also known as the same interior ID as when you enter an entrance. The way to solve it is by enter and exiting an interior, or by (as said) /reporting for an admin to /setint you to get 0.

2nd February 2014, 10:00 AM
/report for admin to teleport you might help

2nd February 2014, 09:10 PM
/fixvw or /report for an admin looks like your interior or virtual world is bugged

3rd February 2014, 07:47 AM
I am prefering to install the GTA3, means that all your models there, It will be good If you reinstall it.
Anyways, If you need backup to GTA3.

Download; http://www.4shared.com/rar/tluMU8ub/Backup_Gta3Img.html

Here, If it isn't work, PM me.

4th February 2014, 02:44 AM
Awaiting player's response for 24 hours.

Levi Westbrook
4th February 2014, 03:12 AM
This happends alot when you fall through demorgan all you have to do it go into a shop and /enter then /exit or /fixvw! try this if it doesn't work try un-installing your mods!

4th February 2014, 07:30 AM
That happens when you are on a different interior, but as I see the vehicle I understood these are mods which are bugging it, it makes your game to load way slowly, as iMartinez said, you should reinstall gta or download a new and clean gta 3

4th February 2014, 05:35 PM
Thanks guys, I just have to enter a a building and then leave exit it, to get it away :)

5th February 2014, 07:18 AM
Answered and archived.