View Full Version : [Guide] Beginner's Guide to SA-RP

Keven Ruthless
4th August 2015, 02:32 PM

Welcome to San Andreas Roleplay, where anything is possible!. It's a pleasure to greet and meet new members of the community. I have made this guide, for all the newbies out there, to help them out with their navigational needs, so now, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy it, as I'm gonna take you through all the commands/near enough everything to do with the server.

Learning the commands.


/stats - shows general information about your character.

/skills - shows your job skills level.

/buylevel - this is the command you use to buy a higher level.

/upgrade - you get more upgrade points after you /buylevel. You can upgrade your gun locker if you have a house or your armor you spawn with after you die.

/resetupgrades - this will cost you 100k. This will reset all your upgrades you have bought.

/changepass - this will change your password to login to the game.


/pay - this will allow you to give money to people in the server.

/give - this command will allow you to give materials, crack, pot, or anything else you can give to other people.

/time - this shows the time in the corner of your screen. This is the time of the server which may differ from your time in real life.

/buy - use this command in any 24/7 and you're presented with a menu in which you can buy things.

/drink - use this command at bars to buy drinks.

/licenses - shows you all the licenses you have to yourself.

/showlicenses - this shows your licenses to someone else.

/animhelp - this displays all the animations we have have scripted in on the server.

/lock - this locks your car. You must first buy a lock at 24/7. Also every time you log off the server you loose your lock.

/stopani - this stops any animations you're doing.

/tie - this will tie a person in your car. You can buy this at a 24/7. Just remember to RP tying someone up.

/untie - this unties the person that you tied.

/frisk - you can frisk as a bodyguard or if you're in a civil faction. When you go to frisk someone, you have to roleplay it to the max.

/drop - this command allows you to drop things you're carrying such as, materials, packages, weapons, and many more.

/report - this command allows you to contact an administrator. You can use it for such thing as reporting a rulebreaker, anything to do with the script, they'll help you out to the fullest.

/cancel - use this command to cancel things you have done, such as taxi, contract, sex.

/id - this command allows you to type in a persons name and get what id they have on the server.

/flipcoin - this command is very unique to SARP. You can call heads or tails and use this command to see what gets randomly picked.

/eject - this command ejects a person out of your car. You must be there driver in order to use this command.

/usepot - this command uses the drug pot.

/usecrack - just like pot but uses the drug crack.

/kill - this command will make you commit suicide. Just be aware that you will loose all your weapons and have to go to the hospital.

/contract - this command will place a bounty on someone. You can only use this command if you know the person's name, address and phone number ICly and you must have a good reason too. A hitman will take the hit and kill the person and take some of their money.

/fill - if you need gas, go the a gas station and use this command at the pumps.

/service - use this command to call a taxi, tow truck, lawyer, or anything else that's listed.

/families - this command lists all the families scripted on the server.

/points - this command lists all the points that are coming up for the families and who has captured the past ones.

/sellcar - this command will put a red marker on your mini map. Simply drive your car to that red marker and the car will despair and in return give you money.


/w - this command is used to whisper to another player so no one else will see what you have typed.

/o - this command is a global out of character chat but is disabled because of heavy spam.

/s - this command is used to shout to other players.

/b - this command is used to talk out of character.

/ad - this command is used to place an advertisement about any services that you may offer.

/me - this command is used to describe an action such as /me looks at Tom.

/do - this command is used to also describe an action such as /do Paper says:call me 555

/l - this command is used to talk low to someone.


/togooc - this command is used to turn off out of character chat.

/tognewbie - this command is used to turn off newbie chat.

/tognews - this command is used to turn off what news reporters say.

/togfam - this command is used to turn off family chat if you are in a gang.

/togwhisper - this command is used to turn off whisper.

/togphone - this command is used to turn of your phone.


/withdraw - this command is used to take out money from the bank.

/deposit - this command is used to put money in the bank.

/wiretransfer - this command is used to put money into someones bank account.

Other / Miscellaneous:

/cellphonehelp - this command displays more information about your cellphone.

/househelp - this command displays commands about your house and what you can do with it.

/vehiclehelp - this command displays commands for your car.

/businesshelp - this command displays commands if you were to own a business.

/fishhelp - this command displays commands for fishing.

/irchelp - this command displays information about our IRC channels.

/safehelp - this command displays information about gang and home safes.

Job Locations and Commands.

Finding a job is quite easy when you know where everything is. It's an easy way to earn some cash, and even do a few small things inside the game to get you busy. Jobs are not factions, meaning you do not have to apply to join a job. They are just ways for you to start yourself off by making some extra cash for you to level up in-game. Jobs are marked in yellow circles, which you later have to hover across with your charecter, then proceed with certain job commands.

Bodyguard Job:

The body guard job is the one job where you can make money fast! Head down to the Ganton Gym to pick up the job.

/guard [PlayerName/ID] [Amount]
/sellvest [PlayerName/ID] [Amount]

GYM area.


Drug Dealer:

This job is illegal, and you can get arrested if caught doing it. It's a job where you can make drugs and then sell them for some cash.


Beside GYM area.


Drug Smuggler:

This job is illegal, and you can get arrested if caught doing it. It's a job where you can smuggle drugs in locations.


East Los Santos.



This is a good job to also make some money with. Just head down to the Los Santos Police Department, and ask to defend clients. If they are wanted, you can also defend them to remove wanted stars.

/free [PlayerName/ID]
/defend [PlayerName/ID]

Beside Temple area.


Arms Dealer:

This job is illegal, and you can get arrested if caught doing it. It's a job where you can create weapons for yourself, or create weapons for others and sell them to make some money.

/sellgun [WeaponName] [PlayerName/ID]

Downtown Los Santos.


Taxi Driver:

This job is "Alright" with getting money, considering people don't normally use taxis. But when they do, you can make some great money by bringing people to specific locations.

/fare [Amount]

El Corona.


Mechanic Job:

This job isn't a good money maker, but it's good when you need nitrous oxide for your vehicle, hydraulics, repairing cars, and refilling cars. Sometimes people may need you to fix it, and that's where you can make some cash.


Ocean Docks.


Detective Job:

This job is not Connected to any LEO factions, [LSPD,FBI,NG,SS], It's your own self enforcement, usually used to find people.


Inside LSPD lobby.


Product Dealer:

This job is a very profitable job, as you package lots of different objects and drive them to business owners, very useful job at when you're at bust.


Market area.


It's been a pleasure to create this guide for the community, I hope you use it in future advance, I will be updating it, so it's not only about these two contents, but as a start, I think these two contents are one of the most important ones on the server.

Credits goes to:
- Damon Dawson (http://www.gta-sarp.com/forums/member.php?543-Damon-Dawson) for creating the main guide.
- Donald DiVittorio (http://www.gta-sarp.com/forums/member.php?21503-Donald-DiVittorio) for add pictures, formats and editing it.
