View Full Version : 3.2b (Late Post)

9th September 2015, 11:54 AM
This is the update information for 3.2b (It's late as I have been inactive, these are the things that I have done)

Fixed a typo with the advertisment sign outside of the DMV.
Fixed an issue with "/fill" not allowing you to refuel your vehicle when not close enough.
Fixed a major money exploit with items re-appearing in the trunk after /towcar.
Fixed an issue where you wouldn't be able to use the helper vehicle system as it would remove you.
Fixed an issue with /drag not stopping dragging when uncuffing.
Fixed an issue with "/oaddress" not displaying.
Fixed /forcetut so admins can send players back to the tutorial if needed.

Adjusted the following commands to Junior Admin: /goto /ap.
Adjusted the following command to Head Admin: /setaccent.

Added in so that Junior admins+ can't be tazed, and people can't use /find on them.
Added in a block to the slipping off vehicle spam to avoid it constantly being called.
Added in a command for Head Admins to give a license to a player. (/givelicense)
Added in a command for Head Admins to blowup a player. (/blowup)

Removed the crack-lab from the server as people kept finding it.

Calvin Catt
11th September 2015, 06:07 PM
Revision two changes:

Fixed an exploit with /signcheck allowing people exploit the interest system.
Fixed the blueberry map icon bug (horray! at last, you're welcome).
Added detection for faking /me's.
Added /uncuff for Junior+ admins (they can also uncuff themselves).
Added /lastdriver for admins.
Fixed admins from being tazed by hand tazers.
Fixed /otesters & /omakeadmin.
Added the ability for gate rotations.
Fixed LSPD lockers.
Readded /countdown.
Fixed /ouninvite.
Added heliblade anticheat system.