View Full Version : 3.3a

5th April 2016, 11:13 AM
SAFMD members can now use /siren rooftop, off on a SAFMD issued Sultan and /getrrk from a SAFMD issued Sultan.
SAFMD members now receive full armour when they go on duty.
Players who are now below level four can not have their materials, pot, seeds and crack confiscated from LEO's.
Players can now use /watchtv to watch news inside houses if SAN is broadcasting one live.
Players now require a valid weapons license to purchase anything from an ammunition.
SAN can now blacklist and unblacklist people from using advertisements.
Added /togmc & /togmtc for the Mapping Team.
Added offline newbie commands for the Helper Team.
Added /ofmembers for official families.
Added /sponsor for players to donate money to SAN.
Added /sanjingle for SAN.
Added a unique feature for SAN to broadcast news live.
Added several house interiors for houses.
Removed interior and virtual worlds from objects to avoid the lag spike.
Fixed /siren bug (the siren object would not appear after the command is executed).
Fixed /getrrk bug (the rrk object would spawn underneath the ambulance and cause it to explode).
Fixed /toggleplay bug (audio from boomboxes would still be streamed even with /toggleplay off).
Fixed faction bank bug (money wouldn't save).

A unique, never ever seen ammo system, and a furniture system will be implemented next update. It is our job to enhance your game play by providing our scripting.

Submit bug reports and suggestions. Once done PM me, or the others and we'll handle it.

Thank you.

- SARP Development Team