View Full Version : what is it called

14th May 2016, 08:22 PM
what is the type of mod called when you shoot and the fire comes out i wanna get a new one but 4got the type of mods its called

14th May 2016, 08:31 PM
Yeah, I know the modification but I'm pretty sure that gives you an unfair advantage towards other players, so I can't link you it.

Elijah van Meijer
14th May 2016, 08:36 PM
Muzzle flash?

14th May 2016, 08:38 PM
no the mod is straight up just making it look more realistic, there isnt a specific mod its just i cant really remember it. like skin mods, it isnt 1 mod its a section. im talking about when you shoot, theres like that fire that comes out, you can changes it but i 4got the name. like the nitro is different and stuff etc

14th May 2016, 08:47 PM
That's an "effects mod" wherein you can change how the fire looks in game or how the muzzle flashes, same goes with the nitro from a car. Try to search for "Overdose effects."

14th May 2016, 08:48 PM
no the mod is straight up just making it look more realistic, there isnt a specific mod its just i cant really remember it. like skin mods, it isnt 1 mod its a section. im talking about when you shoot, theres like that fire that comes out, you can changes it but i 4got the name. like the nitro is different and stuff etc

Ah, I'm mistaken then, I thought you was LITERALLY talking about incendiary bullets or something.

Check out my video here: http://www.gta-sarp.com/forums/showthread.php?200332-SHOW-HQ-graphic-modifications-ENB-(-More)

Head to 1:20 and examine the shooting of my weapons, do you mean that by any chance? If not try give me an example of what you're talking about if possible.

14th May 2016, 08:49 PM
miki got it, thanks to everyone who helped me

14th May 2016, 08:54 PM
miki got it, thanks to everyone who helped me

No worries, the MMGE ENB is also good for a lot of those effects, that Miki said above if 'Overdose Effects' isn't to your taste, enjoy.

Elijah van Meijer
14th May 2016, 09:21 PM
Effects is the general term for it, it applies to everything from sand particles to water to fire to muzzle flash.

Muzzle flash (imfx) is the specific term for what you're looking for - a mod that creates the fire/flash effect on the muzzle of a gun every time you shoot it.

So you can either search for an effects mod and download something like overdose or download a muzzle flash mod which is just muzzle flash.

15th May 2016, 04:23 AM
miki got it, thanks to everyone who helped me
