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View Full Version : Windows 10 FPS Boost

8th August 2016, 06:54 PM
Hey, if you're using Windows 10 there is a way of getting an FPS boost by disabling Xbox DvR which is enabled by default.

Simply follow these steps

1. Open your Xbox app (Search for "Xbox" in the search bar)

2. Sign in to Xbox. You need to sign up if you haven't done so.

3. Navigate to settings as displayed by a gear on the left.

4. Click on the Xbox DvR tab at the top

5. Click the on/off button at the top of the settings displayed there.

This should give you an FPS boost in most if not all of your games. This worked for me and may or may not work for others. Enjoy (my bad if I posted this thread in the wrong place)

30th October 2016, 09:31 AM
is it me or was this grabbed from 2 csgo updates ago lol

30th October 2016, 12:58 PM
is it me or was this grabbed from 2 csgo updates ago lol

Nah, I just found it on some reddit post.

14th November 2016, 10:10 AM

This guide has been checked for accuracy, unfortunately some of the content is outdated, it'll be moved to the outdated section and the Author can then contact moderation once it has been updated to get it verified once again. For any players/guests viewing this guide/tutorial, please be aware that the information may now be inaccurate/outdated as well as the images.