View Full Version : SAMP Quits Upon Death

El Sinaloa
13th November 2016, 12:29 PM
In-Game Name: Kyle_McLeod
Date: 13/11/2016
Your Question:
Sometimes when I die my game just quits, the crash report doesn't show up, but instead SAMP just closes. This occurred around 5 times around 20 minutes ago when I was playing with my friends in paintball and it is an absolute piss taker. And please don't tell me to uninstall/reinstall my game, that's not a proper solution.

El Sinaloa
13th November 2016, 06:08 PM
Modifications I have inside the modloader folder
Modifications I have inside the cleo folder
Modifications I have inside the GTA San Andreas folder

Don Royal
13th November 2016, 06:15 PM
uninstall/reinstall your game, it is the only solution. Or try to reinstall your SAMP, it might be the problem.

Agent Cole Phelps
13th November 2016, 07:41 PM
That's called crashing, not exiting. Most likely is because of weird mappings in SARP. If the game can not load an object into memory fast enough (or in this case stream), then it just crashes because it doesn't know what to do.

El Sinaloa
13th November 2016, 08:18 PM
That's called crashing, not exiting. Most likely is because of weird mappings in SARP. If the game can not load an object into memory fast enough (or in this case stream), then it just crashes because it doesn't know what to do.
Well, there's no crash report or anything. So do you have any solutions for this?

13th November 2016, 08:49 PM
I had the same thing until I removed my ENB, it's a faulty ENB. Another thing you can try is deleting your 2dfx.

13th November 2016, 10:58 PM
As said above, definitely your modifications. I've found it to be ENBs conflicting with other modifications which cause a CLASH of oppcodes that crash the game. Even with anticrasher.cs.

You'll have to either remove your modifications and add them back one by one to find the culprit, but as said before, it's normally: ENBs, skybox modifications, vegetation modifications and any explosive modifications. Once I found it to be a skin mod, so I'd suggest testing/removing in this order. ENB > Skybox > Skin > Any other modifications.

One of them is causing it, you just have to find out which and we sadly can't do that for you without having your exact copy of San Andreas.

14th November 2016, 01:25 AM
Is your question answered?

Pending player

El Sinaloa
14th November 2016, 07:30 AM
Thanks to everyone! Removing the 2dfx did it for me, special thanks to CobyD!
This can be closed.

14th November 2016, 10:37 AM
Thanks to everyone! Removing the 2dfx did it for me, special thanks to CobyD!
This can be closed.
