View Full Version : Revisions: Version 3.5

12th January 2017, 09:51 PM
San Andreas Roleplay Version 3.5 R1

1. fixes /signcheck; not letting players have it.
2. fixes /requestnewbieunmute and showing of messages.
3. fixes /newbie message length regarding waiting 50 more seconds.
4. exports all owned vehicle commands to one organized command, /v for better user friendliness.

a. /v spawn [car name] to spawn a car, /v park to despawn, type /v for a list of options (thanks Melvin and Vio for idea generation).

5. fixes issue with objects not appearing (excludes the one across the road from VIP club).
6. fixes family slots switching.
7. adds a "Impound Yard" sign at the impound yard (thanks Gregor)
8. adds /goto garage, /goto impound for administrators.
9. adjusts /dumpcar to /v dump and adds a checkpoint showing the way there.
10 revises user friendliness.

Future revisions will be added to this thread.

Known issues (to be fixed in revisions):
1. /clearmods doesn't exist.
2. /dlock allows unlocking of all dynamic cars (not related to V3.5).
3. "Sheriff's" isn't spelt correct for SASD, still SAST in /stats.
4. Bike engines are turned off when they shouldn't be.
5. /v spawn [car slot] - /v spawn [car name] works for now.

18th January 2017, 05:51 PM
San Andreas Roleplay Release 3.5 R2
Change log

fixes: /impound -> checking before /v spawn
fixes: /v spawn carslot
fixes: /lock -> givekeys when player has their own car spawned
adds: /clearallmods
fixes: SAST to SASD in stats
updates: /v drop message "permanently destroy this vehicle?"
adjusts: /buycar -> shows buycar menu even when you have no more slots.
adds: location of /v spawn, where the car is.
adds: new icon for doors, information icon is no longer the default (but for /getjob points etc).
updates: draw distance/stream distance of the labels on biz, house, doors to reduce FPS lag when driving/general
adds fixed stream & draw distances which are lower: draw distance lower than stream to compute server-side stuff before creating client stuff.
adjusts /v spawn so you can change to either vehicle slot without /v park (must /v park to set the spawn position of the vehicle)
fixes mysql last row count (relates to creating/deleting vehicles)

TODO: BMX engines, FBI HQ exterior.