View Full Version : Update: Version 3.6

8th April 2017, 11:12 PM
San Andreas Roleplay
Development Team
Version 3.6 changelog

Fred Heinrich

Fixes detective job reload time.
Fixes /fare while imprisoned.
Fixes issue with gates saving where the gate ID is above 999.
Fixes /gotogate for IDs above 999
Fixes lock bug when new vehicles are created (the one that resets your player's animation).
Fixes BMX engine issue.
Fixes lock issue on dynamic vehicles (other). Not /dlock -> is /dlock bugged?
Fixes when repairing bikes, the engine automatically comes on.
Fixes rank 5 for SANews.
Fixes exit freeze for houses (/edithouse freeze [houseid] 1)
Fixes /movebar ID bug.
Fixes /removebar ID bug.
Fixes bars showing in all virtual worlds (now only current VW the admin is when creating it).

Adds /closestgate to get the closest gate within an optional radius
Adds unlocking/locking vehicles with hotkey: Y
Adds "Change Owner" to /editdoor so administrators can set door owners (displays owner in /doorinfo)
Adds /doorpass so door owners can set their own door passwords
Adds Deagle to ammunation
Adds ability to /setannouncement for faction leaders, developers and Administrators. Shows announcement at login. Notice administrators get warnings, do not abuse this.
Adds ability to lock announcement setting for faction leaders (/lockannouncement).
Improves the login screen appearance (though must fix the HUD message: that's the big line that's looking ugly).

Adds a location which /ad is required, location requirement can be toggled by administrators (/togadrange).

Fixes objects disappearing for i.e: boomboxes, weed, gates, furniture.
NOTE: If further object vanishing occurs, please contact a developer.

Special thanks to the other junior developers who have contributed towards donor scripts.
We look forward to pushing further bug fixes.

Best regards,
Development Team.

9th April 2017, 12:09 AM
Also to get your door ownership set, contact an administrator or Senior Developer+ in game.
You will not be able to use /doorpass until you have.

If you are a faction leader and you want to change the login announcement, you will have to /report or ask a Development Manager, to request it. The administrator (who is General+) will then enable /setannouncement with /lockannouncement.