View Full Version : Drug Revision/Update

12th April 2017, 08:42 AM
San Andreas Roleplay
This is still a work in progress videos/screens will be uploaded within this week some time

This is on hold (refer to last post of this thread)

Author: Sparke
System: Revamped drug system
Credits: Sparke (scripting), Hiro (vast amounts of information), Nate. (mapping), and Skarr (ideas)

This system was started by me (in pre-planning) a week ago. I've talked over with some people getting gathered ideas for the system itself, and after getting enough information, and ideas I decided to go to work. Now bare in mind I'm not a junkie so I don't know every single thing about drugs so I'm relying on the internet, and other peoples experiences to make the system as real as possible along with throwing in some pluses as well to ensure they're not abandoned, and not used in game.

The goal
The goal of this is to make drugs give you an advantage, and bring more RP to server itself (legal, and illegal). One of the major things to this was ensuring that FMD had something more to do with the drug side of things rather then a non-existent marijuana license. Another thing was that there was more RP for cartel, and general families/gangs by introducing factories for drug labs, and families make money and generate RP.

Giving FMD a purpose
After talking over with Gideon, and past leaders of FMD and I decided to add prescription drugs that will cure addictions. This means FMD will have it's own in game system for logging prescriptions, and for giving out drugs (obviously we'll add limitations to avoid drugs being handed out like candy). More information on this part of the system is to come.

Warehouses will be a new feature that can be used by the cartel to create drugs, and can give family members rights (or normal players) to create drugs (don't worry this will come with admin approval as well to avoid abuse). The warehouse will have actual interaction rather then walking into a checkpoint typing a command, and moving out with billions of drugs. Myself and and the Cartel leaders are still talking about this and this may change in the future it just depends on what happens throughout the development process.

Drug Distribution
To avoid a mass influx of drugs into the server we're going to be attempting to set strict rules on admins giving out drugs to avoid them being given away without using the proper procedure. All of the previous commands (/selldrug, /give coke/pot, etc) will be removed from the script along side any thing relating to them.

(Player) /givedrug [drug] [amount] - Gives the specified drug to another player
(Player) /mydrugs - List all of your drugs, and the amounts
(Player) /drugeffect - List the effects of specified drug
(Player) /usedrug [drug] - Uses the specified drug
(Admin) /checkdrugs - Admins can check your drugs
(Admin) /editdrugs - Allows admins to edit your drugs amounts
(FMD) /prescribe [drug] [id] [amount] [reason] - Allows FMD to prescribe legal drugs to players
(FMD) /prescriptions - Brings up a dialog with all logged prescriptions given out
(Cartel) /warehouse [use/lock/grant] - Allows cartel leaders to permit their members/players use the warehouse, use the warehouse, or lock the warehouse (NOTICE: If you have rights to the warehouse you can lock it as well)

[I]Screen shots (Not finished product)
* Picture of the medical MDC for tracking given out drugs

* Each drug has a unique effect heres meth for example

* The warehouses making drug system
(Video coming soon)

12th April 2017, 09:46 PM
Any suggestions/ideas/questions can be forwarded to here - http://www.gta-sarp.com/forums/showthread.php?250166-Drug-discussion-thread

If you lead a faction/group or are an admin and would like to suggest something private message here or on Skype.

MAR/15/2017 - PD/FBI getting inloved.

So as the progress for this continues I wanted to give PD/FBI things to do with this as well as it's unfair to throw a new drug system in the mix and give cartel/illegal players tons of advantages. PD, and FBI will both be able to seize drug warehouses. This is to delay the drug flow in the server, and bring more RP between PD/FBI and Cartel. This will give a proper reason for them to RP together.

I'll give the update on commands, privileges, and what not later on today as well as screens for this and some other things in the system itself. Any questions can be directed to the discussion thread.

Also screens/videos coming soon today

15th April 2017, 10:59 PM
Overall change-log:

MAR 14 2017 - The start

Added /listdrugs
Added /givedrug
Added internal organization

MAR 15 2017 - The start II

Added /givedrug
Added /drugeffect [drug name]
Added /usedrug (for some drugs not all)
Added the basics of the warehouse system
Added basic interaction with the warehouse for producing cocaine
Added a dynamic price to start producing drug sequence (can be changed by seniors+)
Added /seizewarehouse for FBI
Added /renewwarehouse for cartel
Added /disablewarehouse for admins