View Full Version : [Game] Shootouts

31st May 2017, 05:55 AM

Hello, ladies and gentlemen!
Welcome to my roleplay guide on how to show proper behavior during occasions like shootouts, since most of the playerbase doesn't know as what we can observe in game. Also, please bare with my English as I am not really fluent on this language but I'm trying my best to keep this guide comprehensible for everyone.


Now, Pizza Stacks is an example of a place where shootouts constantly happen. Many people hang around in there and have roleplay interactions. However, people don't seem to act realistically whenever a shootout happens, instead they run around like headless chickens and interfere in the situation where they can possibly get shot. Others participate in the shootout even if they are not involved, you don't handle them yourselves and /call 911 instead. This behavior is just completely unrealistic, so the best thing to do is crouch down and seek for cover to avoid getting shot. You can also use an animation ( e.g. /hide ) and remain in your position until the shootout stops or you get the chance to break away from the scene.


Making this simple actions contributes a lot of professionalism into the server. You can help the server by starting it yourself through roleplay. Thanks!

Coleman Michael
31st May 2017, 06:05 AM
What a helpful guide.

31st May 2017, 06:10 AM

31st May 2017, 06:22 AM
Scarlett was killed by me in that picture, right.

Jorge Lopez
31st May 2017, 06:48 AM
Someone applied for the Helpers Team.

O.T - Really nice guide. Although it ain't much useful, but gotta appreciate the amount of effort put into it.

31st May 2017, 07:40 AM
Great guide. The only thing that you have to do now is get this known by the people that have no clue or knowledge on what to do during shoot outs.

31st May 2017, 08:40 AM
wow nice never would have thought about hiding during a gunfight! very unheard of tactic but it's good!! (Sarcasm)

But no. I'm going to get involved in any gun fight I possibly can, then if an admin gets involved, I'll claim to be friends with the party who is being shot at so I don't get prisoned.

31st May 2017, 09:26 AM
wow nice never would have thought about hiding during a gunfight! very unheard of tactic but it's good!! (Sarcasm)

But no. I'm going to get involved in any gun fight I possibly can, then if an admin gets involved, I'll claim to be friends with the party who is being shot at so I don't get prisoned.

no one asked for your opinion so sush your big ego :/