View Full Version : Drug System (Phase I)

18th July 2017, 04:06 PM

Author: Sparke
System: Drugs

The Introduction

About two months ago I announced the start of the drug system. I (unfortunately) neglected to stay focused on that, and had stuff come up IRL, and other projects that needed to be done. Regardless I started it recently again and the initial release is soon to come! The idea of the system is to introduce more drug roleplay rather then having the server walk up to people and get crack for armor, and pot for quick HP. I wanted to make sure drugs are still properly used so I added effects for them (I know tons of people will not like this, but armor will no longer be given out by drugs rather your max health will be boosted up this is to reduce the amount of players that have armor in the server).

Another major goal of the system is introduce more family roleplay. As for the first phase of the system we'll introducing limited types of drugs (Cocaine, meth, and cannabis). This is to see how the server reacts to the simple version of the system. This means nothing extreme has been done to the system yet (no addictions, no screen-effects) the system will only give you server-sided advantages.

Phases of the system

Due to the big role the system will play in the server it's crucial that it's brought into the server piece by piece to avoid me dumping something the server is completely unfamiliar with and forcing players to just go with it. The first phase will introduce minor things, and will be heavily focused around the roleplay side of things. This update is to remove Cartel from controlling the entire drug side of things in the server. They will obviously still have an impact but only where a real life Cartel would.

Future plans for each phase:

Phase 1 - Introducing basic aspects/orginal ideas of the system, nothing major.
Phase 2 - Bring more drugs in, and add in new ways of obtaining them
Phase 3 - Bring FMD into the mix with addictions, and withdrawl effects.

Release date // Screen shots

The release date (should/is) coming within seven days of this thread being posted. The system itself is already done (scripting wise). We're testing it prior to releasing it to obviously avoid broken things being brought into the server. I'd like to thank everyone who's helped me with with ideas, concepts, etc.

For images^

24th July 2017, 02:57 AM

24th July 2017, 10:42 AM
As a side note from a distributing side of things:

Obviously CJNG has been removed from the server, with no replacement in place at this point in time. However, due to an abundance of drugs in the server, as well as the new drug system coming very soon, there will be no distributing of drugs from admins until the update hits.

I am working on a new IG system for drug distribution at the moment.