View Full Version : Version 3.7.5

4th October 2017, 12:10 PM
Version 3.7.5 Changelog

Lead Developers

Added x2 XP on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (/signcheck, the server name will also change to "San Andreas Roleplay [2x EXP Bonus Weekend]" and back to normal automatically.)
Added Taxi cars, SAPD heli & specops heli (specs ops heli is the the helicopter where you can stand on the side, yey!)

Fixed Radio stations

Added the new drug system to family safes/stats
Added trial helpers to /nmute and /nwarn
Added AFSA to the script (Faction ID 5)
Added cartel to the script (Group ID 4)
Added FBI and LSPD doors (the usage is 'Y')
Added 150 armor to the hitman agency's armory

Changed /listmasked to a senior+ command
Changed /listmasked to a senior+ command

Fixed an issue where group 3/4 couldn't /oguninvite
Fixed an issue where FBI could open SAPD doors
Fixed an issue where Cartel couldn't use /setucname
Fixed an issue where cocaine would give you full armor in rare conditions
Fixed an issue with the pizza boy job label being transparent
Fixed an issue with the old school (chat) moderator status

Senior Developers

Added The new points system (click here) (http://www.gta-sarp.com/forums/showthread.php?270406-Points-Revamp)
Added /ofuninvite (offline uninvite) for families.
Added AFSA on /legend
Added A timer to /requestnewbieunmute (12 hours, given once muted due to 3 warnings or via /nmute).
Added The new reports system (you can only /report once) along with with /cancelreport and /ac for players (admins are aware of their new commands).

Improved SAN doesn't need to be on duty anymore to /showpresscard
Improved SAPD & FBI can now /arrest for 2 hours.
Improved Silent admins can no longer speak in the IC chat or use /b while spectating, this is to avoid getting revealed over a simple m/c.
Improved Re-named /transferptohosp to /transferpatient (FMD, easier to remember).
Improved Re-named /releasepfromtreat to /releasepatient (FMD, easier to remember).

Fixed Families not being able to /tags (for their own ones)
Fixed /tags being cut after 24 tags
Fixed Players not syncing with tags
Fixed Some bugs within the AFSA
Fixed SAPD not being able to get C2s
Fixed SAPD not being able to get rubber bullets
Fixed SAPD not being able to access the SWAT lockers
Fixed Admins not being able to /listads
Fixed Admins need to be helpers to see newbie warns and mutes
Fixed /banaccount
Fixed SAN's ranks
Fixed Getting a ticket at 0, 0, 0 (blueberry) for going 0 speed.

6th October 2017, 03:16 PM
Version 3.7.5 has been implemented.