View Full Version : Version 3.9.1

29th March 2018, 06:17 AM

Version 3.9.1 Changelog

Jay Cortez
Added /fall(ing) command. Players will be able to use this command when they are falling from interiors to prevent dying.
Added a hint in /lockserver for admins and developers.
Added a new command for the Sector 9 faction.
Added a safe script for the Syndicate (/syndicatesafe).
Added back the /arrest command.
Added custom skin registration system, in the works.
Added /badge command for SAPD. This command allows police officers to toggle the color of their nametag between blue and white. (undercover purposes)

Changed Sector 9 rank structure.
Changed it so that players get "unmasked" when quitting a group.
Changed it so that players get frozen as soon as they first spawn, to prevent them from falling through the ground.

Fixed a bug where /factions would show odd numbers.
Fixed a bug in the display of faction names.
Fixed a bug/exploit that allowed players to use /h or /sa to prevent fall damage.
Fixed the /hidestatus command not functioning properly.
Fixed /gateinfo showing gates from the wrong virtualworld or interior.
Fixed the jail coordinates of the /arrest command.
Fixed a bug where you could only /dropcar with your private vehicle spawned.
Fixed a bug where boombox would still play music for players that had toggled audio play.
Fixed a bug where portable MDC would get removed when downed. It now only gets removed when you get hospitalized.
Fixed a bug where some fish would always pay $0.

Removed old SANG radar script.
Removed old pickaxe script.
Removed old /sellcrack command.
Removed old debugging command (/playsound).
Removed old debugging command (/fixcheckpoint2).
Removed old debugging command (/streamtome).
Removed old debugging command (/setoriginalname).
Removed old, unused command (/lockdown).
Removed the mask numbers from Syndicate (caused MG).

Added a few more skins to FMD selection.
Added updated automatic time cycling.
Added more comma separators for numbers.
Added xanax as a new drug.
Added the ability to lockpick doors/icons for HA.
Added a new command /blist for SAN and admins (muted list).

Changed the /adminactivity error when no rows were shown
Changed the government rank structure

Fixed a bug displaying the wrong price for vest in ammu-nations
Fixed a bug when using /pinv would display crack and pot
Fixed a bug where vehicle trunks didn't use the new drug system
Fixed a bug where /hidestatus didn't hide you from developers
Fixed a bug where /showlicense would work on admins spectating them

Removed crimes committed from /stats (PD can check this w/ MDC)
Removed the distance check from /takelicense
Removed times arrested from /stats (PD can check this w/ MDC).

Added Some S9 additions


Fixed Some S9 bugs

Removed Sector 9 from the script

Added new information when /spec'ing a player
Added All Saints' doors back
Added custom skins to clothes shops
Added SAPD skins on "Change Uniform" (0.3.8 skins + DL female skins)
Added /towcars (the old /respawnfcars for factions' HCs)

Changed FMD may now use /mdc anywhere in All Saints Hospital
Changed players may no longer /requestnewbieunmute when perm muted and only senior+ helpers may unmute them
Changed PD coords for /prisonlist, mdc and receptionist (they are now usable in the new HQ)

Fixed family leader's name not hiding when enabling the feature


2nd April 2018, 02:54 PM
Server has been updated and the changes are live.

13th April 2018, 02:55 AM
Following updates were made:

Fixed /createhouse not saving on server restarts
Fixed accounts merging data
Fixed /myskins showing incorrect skins
Fixed /dlock not working correctly
Fixed /take displaying incorrect text
Fixed certain skin IDs not properly working with /setskin
Fixed the drivers license exam vehicle being locked
Fixed kevlar in PD & FBI dialogs closing the dialog
Restricted the deagle in FMD lockers for R1s+
Added /g as an alternative to /gr
Changed 'pack of beer' to 'case of beer'
Internal improvements & optimizations
Adjust administrator privileges for the following:
/setarmor -> junior
/sethp -> junior
/countdown -> event mods
/doorinfo -> prop mods
/editdoor -> prop mods

Credits/contributions: Sparke, Jay Cortez, Desmond, and Avery

18th April 2018, 10:17 AM
One last hot fix for this patch:

Implemented a temp fix for player rotations crashing the server
Added /checklevel for probationary admins
Added /heal back
Added a helper message when using /makehelper
Added a confirmation message when using /setsecuritykey
Added commas to /transfer
Changed the PD structure (R9 / Commissioner)
Changed /refund to a head+ command (was exec before)
Fixed /sellgun not displaying every sellable gun if you were in a family