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View Full Version : Custom User Tag

14th October 2012, 04:12 PM
So i want to get a custom name tag under my name, where do i find the option in the shop?
and how many does it permit me to have?


Agent Cole Phelps
14th October 2012, 04:15 PM
You can't get a custom usertag under your name. If any people have that, it's because it's old and has no ever been reset.

14th October 2012, 04:16 PM
I remember sindre used to have it and some admins do i thought it was possible?
i dont think its called usertag its like a title under your name

Marcy Shiels
14th October 2012, 04:30 PM
I don't think you can have one, if you mean like purge's, and dylan they got it because they're basically the ones who handle the forum, atleast Purge and they're admins. I'm not sure if you can donate for one but I doubt it.

14th October 2012, 04:37 PM
Okay well pending either of them then, If not no big deal thanks for the help

14th October 2012, 07:27 PM
Well basically I think there's no option to donate for it at the SHOP but...
Talk to Marcus and as you might know Marcus likes $$$$$$$ I suppose he'll do something.

14th October 2012, 07:52 PM
It's possible, PM purge. Don't know if he can set multiple tags though.

Agent Cole Phelps
14th October 2012, 09:13 PM
I asked purge if he could set tags, and he told me this:

Nah they tend to get stuck and left after they're needed (or when usergroups are changed). It would take way more time than any of us have to set everyone's tags regularly.

So the answer to this is that he will not change set it to a custom one or change it.

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14th October 2012, 09:29 PM
If it's not in the shop then it's probably not for sale. Contact an executive admin about it.

15th October 2012, 04:43 AM
Answered, move to archives. Drop me a PM if you got any other question related to this problem.