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13th June 2013, 04:44 PM
Since the orignal thread starter is forum-banned, i'll be starting a new thread(ALL COPIED FROM HIS THREAD)
Here I will make a small guide for Abbreviations in the game
what stands for what, when they got admin jail.

Heavy Offense - Medium Offense


CK - Character kill (Its not against the server rule, CK basicaly change your STATS, name,age,etc. you will RP as new person)

FC - Forum Complaint (When somebody made a FC on someone and admin jailed him for non RP,or any other rule which he break)

MC - Missclick or Misschat, (When you pressed a wrong button then its MC, and Misschat, when you typed in wrong chat)

GRR- Game Related Request (When somebody posted a game request on forums. Click me to see the section (http://www.gta-sarp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?13-Game-Related)


RB - RuleBreak (When you broke a server rule)

DB - Drive By (When you shot at the person with a mp5,colt45, also if you do /sellgun in a car you can to DB with spas12,deagle,etc. which its not allowed))

DDB - Driver Drive By ( When are you drive a car and shoting at somebody with a mp5, its not allowed at this server)

BH - Bunny hopping (jumping forward to move faster.)

CP - Car Parking (Parking a vehicle on other players to kill them. Its also prison-able)

SK - Spawn Kill (Killing somebody when is he spawing. AT hospitals)

PK - Player kill (Defines a server rule to a point which allows for a player to kill another player, if he have a RP reason to do that)

CS - Car Surfing (Surfing on a car which is non RP. you can be jailed by admin for that)

CB - Car Bombing (When you make your vehicle explode intentionally just to kill other players.)

PB - Plane Bombing (When you plane bombing the gym,bank,etc. to kill others players)

QS/CS - Quickswapping / Crackshooting (QS/CS is basically a weapon exploit you can do to gain advantage in gun fights)
DM - Death Match (Killing without a RP reason)

RK - Revange kill (RK is when you go back and kill the player who has killed you, the policy is that when you die you lose 30 minutes of your memory so you can't remember anything that happen 30 minutes before you died)

MG - Metagaming (Mixing OOC info IC.. example: you are not allowed to say IC : LOL,WTF,OMG, xD, LMAO :P <3,etc.)

CR - Car ramm or Chicken Running (Car ramm when you park a car on a player and he died,
Chicken Running is running in circles, zig zagging, or running back and forth to dodge bullets. This is against the rules because it's unrealistic..)

KoS - Killing On Sight (KOS is when you basically kill someone every time you see them. Killing on sight can be defined as "KOS" and it's more like a mix of MG/DM)

PG - Powergaming (Example: Jumping off a building without a parachute (taking a lot of damage) would cause you pain in RL. It's Non-RP if you just run off like nothing is wrong.)

HB - Heliblading (This is basically when you take a helicopter and kill people with the blades)

NJ - Ninja Jacking (Exploiting a bug to kill a player)


SA - Server Advertisement (Sharing servers, you are not allowed to do that, its Pernament ban from community)

MF - Money farming ((Money farming is utilizing the starting money of a new account and then discontinuing
your use of said account in favor of another account.))

GH - General hack ( Hacking its not allowed, if you have any hack you will be perma. banned from Community)

HH - Health Hacks ( HH is when you have no limit on your health and you can`t die)

VHH - Vehicle Health Hacks ( Also a hack, which its not allowed, with this hack You can not destroy a car)

Justin Fakie
13th June 2013, 04:45 PM
Maybe fix up a few spelling errors and add some pretty colors, then we're good.

13th June 2013, 04:46 PM
Maybe fix up a few spelling errors and add some pretty colors, then we're good.

Did it.

Mad Lord Malone
13th June 2013, 04:52 PM
I don't think is really needed, since you can reply to the old one.

13th June 2013, 06:05 PM
the old person who made it will be unbanned in no more than 5 days, no need.

16th June 2013, 04:12 PM
I am back, so no need this.

13th September 2013, 02:18 PM
Thank you! I have to "learn" this for my job at the Taxi Company. Thank you for posting it!

15th February 2014, 08:28 AM
If the orginal poster isn't banned, IR should be added.

IR - Invalid Report.

Agent Gideon
17th February 2014, 02:23 PM
GK Should be added aswell. GK - Gank Kill