View Full Version : Job help

4th August 2013, 07:55 PM
Ive tried at least 5 different jobs and it doesnt give me info or help on how to do them or pay me for doing them. Can someone please help or explain? please

Vinny Meadows
4th August 2013, 08:05 PM
As a starter, I'd suggest you get the Body Guard job. You can find this job in Ganton, right beside the entrance of the gym. Once you get it, you have to /sellvest to people for 2k each. Just hang around the gym and you will make a lot of profit. Make at least 50k from this job and then move on to Arms Dealer. Arms Dealer is a bit more complex but you'll get use to it quickly. Find a motorcycle and go to one of the material pickups (/helpme in-game and a helper will show you), then do /getmats at the i icon. Once you do so, there will be a red dot on your minimap, you'll have to follow it. Once you reach the red dot, you will recieve 250 materials. You must continue to go back and forth delivering materials, I'd say keep going until you get at least 5k mats. Once you've 5k, go to the gym or any other popular place and sell them to people. /sellmats [player ID] [amount of materials] [price]. Mats go for around $7-$10 each, so 5k mats would be around $35k-$50k. Once you start making a lot of money, you can start buying materials from other players for cheap and selling them for more. And when you have really made some profit, buy materials off someone else and start selling guns (I'd suggest colt45's) to other players and level up your Arms Dealer job (/skill 7 to show how many guns you need to sell to level up). The higher job level, the more better guns you can sell. So once you reach level 3+ Arms Dealer, you will appeal more to people because you can sell a variety of weapons, not just Colt45 and Shotgun. TIP: Join a gang like Grove Street or Ballas and sell them guns.

4th August 2013, 08:07 PM
You can do differents job in SARP, Example : Arms Dealer you can get it in the big ammunation and with that job, you can matsrun, That mean you can do runs of materials and with that, create weapons or Sell materials.., That's best job for news player that are starting in the serve, for more information do /jobhelp in the game and there will be a guide about jobs.

Job Location :

Also work as a bodyguard, selling vest in the popular areas and points as I told you, /jobhelp for information

4th August 2013, 08:07 PM
Thank you

5th August 2013, 03:37 AM
Answered and archived.