View Full Version : Robbing when someone's dying.

Dylan DiVittorio
15th September 2013, 05:46 AM
Alright, i think someone already posted a topic familiar to this one but i'm lazy to dig that much and find it out of hell.

So, i have this question that if someone is dying (Critically injured) with/without Role-Play, then are we/someone allowed to take his stuff A.K.A robbing?

I have big doubt on this, i heard some administrators saying YES and some No. ( Won't mention names )

So, is there any answer and i really mean an exact answer to be given to this that we can /accept death if someone is going to or wants to rob us or we can just wait for him to finish up taking out stuff / take his permission if we can /accept death or not (Which of course he won't allow if he has intentions to rob).

Because if a day comes and someone just killed me (With/without Role-Play) would i be able to defend myself from getting robbed.

I asked this answer as usually it was like always and still is that someone sees a cop and they just intend to kill or rob him without even getting any valid reason but to harass him hard.

You know this harassing the cop is not even present in newbies that just joined the server but it covers 70 percent of other old player or the one that knows the server rules much. So it's like being a cop is like being the enemy of whole other side of community (Whoever is not a fed) and i think if this thread is answered , we feds will be satisfied.

Thank You.

P.S - Don't bitch here anything or whine.
Just stay connected to the thread regarding answers.

15th September 2013, 05:50 AM
With roleplay, of course you can get robbed. There are heartless bastards out there.

Without roleplay, straight no.

15th September 2013, 06:19 AM
What michael said.

Read this:


15th September 2013, 06:23 AM
With Roleplay = Yes
Without = No

15th September 2013, 02:39 PM
Awaiting player's response for 24 hours.

15th September 2013, 03:06 PM
Its allowed as they are mortaly woundef

Dylan DiVittorio
16th September 2013, 01:41 AM
Alright, thank you and i think i got my answer and i dunno' why they have so much hate for feds.
Anyway, thanks.

16th September 2013, 02:43 AM
Answered and Archived.