How to create your own Gang/Family.

Information: This post is to explain players of San Andreas Roleplay how to create their own Gang or Family.

Greetings, this is your community helper Alaska Grante and I'll show you how to create a Gang/Family.

There are two ways to create your own Gang slot.

First method: Is by roleplaying, and applying for a slot. You should prepare your family thread and post it on the Gang Discussions thread. You should update it with roleplay logs and once you think you're ready to have an official slot. You have to apply for the slot on the Gang Creation & Management thread (You should wait two weeks after you posted your Gang/Family thread).

The requirements of having an official slot are:
-Have a leader level 8 plus
-Have a leader that possess at least 3 millions
-Have a roleplay thread
-Must have the family's biography (at least 800 words).

Use this format if you wish to apply for the slot.

Once you've posted your application, you have to be patient. Gang and Families Spokesman and Gang Moderators will vouch or will not vouch for your family to be official or not to be official.
If you have enough vouches, congratulations now you have a official gang slot.

Second Method: Is by donating IRL cash for a gang slot. If you wish to create a gang slot by donating, click here.
Once you've opened, click Customization. (Check below.)

After that, scroll down and go to Gang Slot. (Check below.)

If you don't know how to donate properly, refer to this tutorial.
Important Note: Before you donate, you should talk to a Gang Moderator. Because there are possibility to not get your own slot. If the gang slots are full, means you can't donate for it.

Differences between donated and applying families are:
Donates slots do not need to wait two weeks or more as unofficial family.
Applying slots has to wait two week or more before they can be official and have to get vouches by Gang and Families Spokesman or Gang Moderators.

Best regards,
Alaska Grante.