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    Agent Cole Phelps's Avatar
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    [Guide] How to give reputation to someone [OFFICIAL]

    How to give reputation to people:
    (Three guides in one)

    Most people do not know how to give reputation to other people without using the like/dislike system. Now that the system has changed anyways, and you will no longer receive reputation from likes, thanks, and or laughs. So now the only way to receive reputation is to get a reputation comment, which you can give good or bad reputation to that person.

    Also, you can't give reputation to the same person again, as you will need to spread 20 more reputation to other people before being able to give reputation to the same person again. You will also not be able to give more than 10 reputations in a single 24 hour period.

    Lastly, the green bars under people's name determine how many Reputation Points they have. So every 100 points, you will gain a new bar. When you reach 600 reputation points, you will have a brighter green bar. That will look like this:
    This doesn't works vise-versa with the red bars. When you are -10 points, you will receive one red bar. If you somehow manage to receive -100 points, you will get five red bars, followed by five brighter red bars. That will look like this:

    To determine when you will next receive your new reputation title, you may click this link
    > HERE <

    Please keep note:
    When giving reputation, and after you hit "Add Reputation", your name won't be seen to who you give the reputation to, it stays completely anonymous, unless you put your name in the reputation comment which is usually what I do. This doesn't mean believe what you read in the your received reputation comment, because anyone can impersonate anyone.
    Example: I could give you bad reputation, and pretend to be a friend of yours or an admin.

    Edit (Dec 24, 2015): Names are now visible when giving reputation.

    [1] First, find a post that you want to give reputation to.

    [2] Second, find a light grey star that can be found next to the "WTF" button, and under the like button.

    (click the image to make it bigger and be able to see what I'm talking about)

    [3] Third, choose what you want to give:
    'I Approve' (good reputation)
    'I disapprove' (bad reputation).

    [4] Lastly, write a comment about it (you can just but like: "dasfsgd1851gfh11" if you wanted to, or add nothing). Then hit the "Add Reputation" Button then you'll be notify that you successfully sent reputation to someone.

    How to check reputation received and how much you can give or take to others:

    In this part of the guide, I will show you how to check what your last 5 reputation received was and identify if it was good or bad. Also how to check how much reputation you will give or take from the other person when submitting reputation.

    [1] First, click "Settings" which is located next to "Log Out", and "My Profile"

    [2] Second, find were it say's "Latest Reputation Received (# point(s) total)"

    [3] Lastly, the green bar is good reputation received, and the red bar is bad reputation received.
    Good Reputation Received:

    Bad Reputation Received:

    Neutral Reputation Received:

    In this spoiler here, it will show you when you will receive the next usertitle in your Registered Users usergroup.


    Reputation power can only be gained by the following:
    Every 1000 posts, you will gain one point.
    Every year from your registration date on the forums, you will gain one point.
    Every 100 reputation points earned, you will gain one point.

    [1] First, click "Settings" which is located next to "Log Out", and "My Profile"

    [2] Second, find were it say's "Latest Reputation Given (Reputation Power: #)"

    [3] Last, your # is how much you will give or take from someone's reputation when leaving a reputation.
    Last edited by J; 14th November 2016 at 10:21 AM. Reason: Prefix and title fixture.



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