It's bullshit to count three times, it should be as simple as this:

You either choose to fight for it or to run, if the suspect starts shooting then he can't be tazed.


If the suspect runs, then when the cop is catching up to him he turns and starts to shoot just to provoke a rushtaze then it should be a legitimate taze since the suspect made the choice to run and is simply taking advantage of the RT rule and should be considered Chickenrunning

Why use a certain amount of gunfights before the taze is allowed? that just sounds very messy and annoying and will result in shitloads of bitching about weather he ran two or three times.. is the cop then expected to supply screenshots of every time he runs aswell as shoots? (6 ss's per situation, happens about 20 times per day and also gives a brief freeze each time you ss's)

You have to fix that.